With September here in Toronto, it's back to school time in my mind - whether it's those 23 years that September meant back to school for me, or the fact that it's now back to school for my son, it's just in the air.With allergies so prevalent in society today, schools are all nut-free environments.
I'm always thinking of new lunches to pack (often last minute) and thought that I should try making my own sunflower-seed butter! It worked out amazingly well so I thought I should share. It's so quick and easy to do that I made it on Monday morning at 7am when I realized that I didn't have any great lunch options! You can have it in a sandwich, on crackers, as a dip for apples, or anywhere you might use peanut or almond butter.
Sunflower Seed Butter (adapted from a vitamix recipe)
1.5 cups unsalted sunflower seeds
1 tbsp sesame seeds
1 tbsp honey
1/2 tsp kosher salt
- blend in a blender or food-processor until smooth and store in the fridge!