Warning: This is a beautiful picture heavy post!

Nature is so important. It's important for air quality, for animal populations, and a million other environmental reasons. It's also really important for our health. Studies show that spending time in nature can boost creativity, can ease depression, can reduce stress levels, can improve focus, can help the immune system, and can make people happier!I love getting out of Toronto, whether it be camping or cottaging or hiking. That being said, there are also great places within Toronto to explore.
Last winter, my family consciously decided that we needed to explore more of the trails within Toronto and we had a blast! I love running on the beltline, walking part of the don valley trail system, hanging out a the Brickworks, going through the wooded trails at Sherwood park, running or walking along the beaches boardwalk (watch your step!). I haven't gotten into real trail running yet, but I see it in my future. This past weekend we were in Sunnybrook park walking and playing in the creeks and had such a nice time. At the end of our visit to Sunnybrook park, we just lay on the grass and took in the warm sunshine - what could be better?
One of my favourite parts about being in nature, is that there isn't the distraction of TV and computers, and that it seems virtually impossible to me to be outside and not active.Now that fall is here, I'm going to head outside and enjoy the leaves changing colour while out for a hike. Once it's cold outside I'll still be out walking in the snow, and tobogganing of course. There's rarely an excuse for me not to get outside!
One of the most basic ideas of Naturopathic Medicine is about the curing power of nature. This not only relates to the plants that grow that we then prescribe for their medicinal properties, but also for the exercise that can be done in nature, and the effect that just being outside can have on the human body!
Naturopathic prescription for the day: Get outside!