As we step into the new year, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your trust and support throughout the past year. Whether you've been a long-time client or have recently joined me on your wellness journey, I are honored to be part of your path to better health.
I believe that every new day is a perfect time to reflect, reset, and embrace fresh opportunities for growth. That being said, I did read a great newsletter by Alyson Schafer (a toronto based parenting expert) and wanted to share an exerpt:
"So, one tactic I have taken for many years now, that I invite you to consider, is to not make New Year’s Resolutions that begin on January 1st. I am not big on resolutions anyways since they almost never stick. I also think you’re already starting off on a path to failure when they start at 12:01am Jan 1st. I can’t imagine standing in Times Square with a bunch of friends after having a few cocktails and saying “that’s it! this is my last drink and I am hitting the gym in the morning!”. My solution is to use Martin Luther King Day as my starting point instead - the third Monday of January. That allows me to eat up the leftovers in the fridge, finish the tin of cookies, drink up the left-over holiday punch, and do my research on projects I want to embark on in the new year. On that third Monday, I will think of MLK’s speech “I have a dream” as inspiration."
Rather than setting overwhelming resolutions, focus on small, achievable health goals. This might include drinking more water, incorporating more vegetables into your meals, or committing to a few minutes of mindful breathing each day. As a Naturopathic Doctor I've realized that consistency is key.
Happy new year, and please reach out if you need some help achieving your health & wellness goals!
